javascript Reactive Online SHA256 Encoder Continuing my post series of online tools, here is an SHA256 hash tool. Give it a string, it gives you a big number encoded in hex back. I've also included an MD5 encoder and a hex to decimal decoder as options.
javascript Reactive Base 64 Encoder & Decoder Online base 64 encoder/decoders are a dime a dozen online. Just do a search on Google for them and you'll see thousands of them. So many of them are inadequate. It's the current year, you shouldn't have to press a button to encode your string. Note: JavaScript's native atob(
javascript Turn your cURL commands into runnable JavaScript I found that recently I've been trying to reproduce a lot of HTTP requests in the scripts I've been writing. I got tired of doing it manually, so I wrote this tool to generate them for me. Not only does this work for when you are transitioning from using curl
react Using React to display JSON as a table One of the most common things you'll do when you are designing user interfaces on the web is turning structured data into something easily viewable, and one of the most common ways to do it is in a table. APIs are designed to be easily parsed by machines. Even though